How Lingual Braces Straighten Secretly

There are a number of highly advanced tooth straightening solutions available today that provide faster, more discreet treatments and beautiful results. Lingual braces are the most advanced treatment available. They allow us to straighten your teeth and create a wonderful smile without anyone (except your orthodontist) knowing it’s there – unless you decide to tell them why your smile is looking so good. Lingual braces require the expertise of a specialist and our orthodontists have the years of experience it takes to use these brace systems effectively.

Nobody Knows It, But You Have a Secret Smile

Lingual braces are fixed braces which are connected to the back of your teeth rather than the front, which means that unless you are actively looking behind your teeth, you will not see any brackets, allowing you to straighten your teeth with people only seeing the results. Other brace systems market themselves as ‘invisible’ but only a lingual brace is truly hidden.

Secure, Advanced Braces

Lingual braces have custom-made components designed to fit the back surface of your teeth. A number of systems are available and our orthodontists work with Harmony, Forestadent 2D and Incognito systems. As we have experience of multiple lingual systems, we are able to advise which will be the most effective for you.

To learn more about lingual braces and what changes they can make for you, please contact Whitetree Orthodontic Centre to learn more.