As you will be aware, we have followed instructions from NHS England and closed the practice for all routine care.
We advise continuing to wear retainers to make sure your teeth don’t move back out of place – please aim to wear them for 12 hours every night if you are at all in doubt.
If you feel that your teeth are moving or that your retainers are not fitting as well as they were then please wear the retainer full time (i.e. day and night apart from eating) for 1-2 weeks, until they fit better and then revert to wearing them 12 hours every night
We continue to be available for advice regarding problems with retainers. Please call the usual number for instructions (0117 982 8222).
If your retainer is lost / damaged / broken, please let us know. If you let us know straight away that you do not have a usable retainer, we are often able to make a new set of retainers from digital scans taken at the end of active treatment.
We will let you know the cost of any replacements and postage in advance. If new retainers cannot be made, a ‘boil and bite’ sports mouthguard can be moulded to the teeth at home and worn (ideally for at least 8 hours per day) as a temporary substitute for a retainer.
The British Orthodontic Society has created a video to help with broken bonded retainer wires: